Soooo. This week I was supposed to keep working on my Chemistry 2048 game buuuut, I was really annoyed bc I messed up the settings screen and now I have to add it to alllll of the levels again along with the how-to-play screen so I rage quit for the week 🙈. But it’s okay cuz instead I started learning Laravel and it looks like this is gonna be a great new tool, I am really loving it.
I started learning Laravel with a Udemy course I bought a couple weeks ago but never got to start. I realized he was just describing each of the concepts in the documentation but in video form which is okay but I needed a different approach so I switched it up and started another one course. I like this one better becuase it felt more hands-on. Through Laravel I started learning Bootstrap… and wow it makes it so easy! I’m so excited to start learning more frameworks. I’m glad I waited to start learning them though because you have to know how to add and subtract before you learn to multiply and divide. Knowing the language it’s based on let’s you understand so much more.
I also have been able to better understand the MVC pattern. I implemented it before but I wasn’t entirely sure what each piece meant. We definitely went over it when I took my Server Side Development class but it was an online class and I’m pretty sure I learn better with a mix of quick reading and then a lecture and then reading again. But I didn’t do that so I didn’t retain like I should have. But it’s okay cuz I got it now.
Next week I’ll continue learning Laravel and start working on a practice bakery website to work on my skills. That’s it for now, byeee!