idk idk. I still think something is off with the website design. It looks homemade. Which it is but I don't want it to look like it. Until I improve my "eye for design", I need to work on the website's functionality instead of design for now. But this is what I did today, tried to make the UI look better...again.
I created this project because I wanted a log to track the recipes for cycle syncing instead of in one of my food diary apps. I just wanted one where I could specifically sort by phase instead of going through my saved recipes which some are just recipes I like and have nothing to do with cycle syncing. So I made this to track it. Some features/things I want to add are...
Filter recipes by macro count (ex: >30g of protein)
Add pictures to recipe links
Update the "learn more/about" tab
update CSS to be mobile-friendly
Key Ingredient/Vitamin (what makes it good for that phase)
Create a meal plan of recipes to eat throughout week
Create a grocery list based on the meal plan
Account creation (so a user can add their own recipes, favorite recipes, create meal plan, etc)
Some of these features will come with time, but the basics I want to be done by the end of this month??
That's it for today, I think tomorrow I'm going to update the database with some more recipes and update the learn more tab.